Why You Still Need To See A Gynecologist Regularly After Menopause

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About Me

Treatment for Uterine Fibroids About eight years ago, I began experiencing extremely heavy periods every month. For a while, I tried to ignore my problem. When I could no longer carry out my normal activities during my period each month, I made an appointment with my OBGYN. This medical professional diagnosed me with uterine fibroids. Because my situation was so bad, my physician recommended I have a robotic surgical procedure. A couple of months later, I underwent the recommended surgery to remove the growths from my uterus. Thankfully, the procedure was a remarkable success. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most common treatments OBGYNs prescribe for uterine fibroids. Enjoy!



If you have gone through menopause, you may think you no longer need to see the gynecologist regularly. However, this is not true at all. As with every area of your  health, regular check-ups by a medical professional is important, especially as you age. Just because you think your reproductive system has shut down does not mean it cannot become diseased or have serious problems. Here are just a few reasons you need to continue to see your gynecologist annually.


Unfortunately, just because your ovaries are no longer releasing eggs dos not mean they cannot produce cancer cells. The same is true for the other reproductive parts such as the fallopian tubes, cervix, or uterus. It is possible that the tumor may not even be noticed at all until it has grown or spread because it is not interrupting your normal cycle. A tumor may be caught early when you have regularly internal exams and other testing done.

Vaginal Atrophy

Just because you are no longer menstruating and able to reproduce does not mean an end to your sex life. In fact, many women find they are more interested in having sexual intimacy because there is no longer a fear of getting pregnant. However, one of the symptoms of menopause can be a weakening of the vaginal muscles. This may create problems when engaging in intercourse. A gynecologist can see that the muscles are starting to atrophy and prescribe a cream and/or other medication to prevent the itching, burning, and pain so you can enjoy sex again.

Other Conditions

A gynecologist is still a doctor. He or she will also look for other health problems you may be experiencing. The doctor may suggest testing for things like diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis based on what he or she sees during a routine exam. Do not feel you have to limit any questions or concerns you have to the reproductive system.

It is common to visit their gynecologist frequently while going through menopause to ask questions and get help with symptoms. You probably build a good rapport with the doctor and feel comfortable talking about most aspects of our body and health. Once all the symptoms stop, do not just assume you are done with the transition. Make an appointment and have the doctor verify what stage you are in. If you have been told it is complete, make an appointment for a year from then to have everything checked and set up routine annual visits. For more information, contact establishments like Desert Rose OBGYN PC.

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