3 Reasons Why Your OBGYN Cares About Your Weight

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About Me

Treatment for Uterine Fibroids About eight years ago, I began experiencing extremely heavy periods every month. For a while, I tried to ignore my problem. When I could no longer carry out my normal activities during my period each month, I made an appointment with my OBGYN. This medical professional diagnosed me with uterine fibroids. Because my situation was so bad, my physician recommended I have a robotic surgical procedure. A couple of months later, I underwent the recommended surgery to remove the growths from my uterus. Thankfully, the procedure was a remarkable success. On this blog, I hope you will discover the most common treatments OBGYNs prescribe for uterine fibroids. Enjoy!



Most women try to schedule an appointment with their OBGYN at least once each year in order to maintain their reproductive health.

While an OBGYN is certainly focused on your reproductive organs, you may be surprised to learn that your doctor also cares about your weight. Weight can have a significant impact on reproductive health, which is why your OBGYN will pay close attention to fluctuations in your weight over time.

Here are three specific reasons why your doctor cares about your weight.

1. Symbol of Overall Health

A person's weight can be a symbol of their body's overall health. Excessive weight gain or loss can be indicative of a serious medical problem within the body. Your OBGYN monitors your weight as a way of determining if and when a further investigation into your health is needed.

Some of the significant medical issues that your OBGYN will be mindful of when tracking your weight include breast cancer, cervical cancer, incontinence, and urinary leakage.

By using your weight to assess your risk of developing one of these conditions, your OBGYN will be able to treat potential medical issues before they become too serious.

2. Trouble Conceiving

Many women seek the help of their OBGYN when they are having trouble conceiving a child. If this applies to you, your OBGYN will be interested in your weight history.

Fluctuations in weight can make it more difficult to conceive. This is especially true if you have gained weight in the recent past. Obesity has the potential to impact ovulation, menstrual cycles, and pregnancy outcomes.

An OBGYN utilizes a patient's weight to help determine the best course of treatment to eliminate barriers standing in the way of conception.

3. Pregnancy Complications

An OBGYN helps to provide neonatal care for expectant mothers. Pregnancy can be a difficult period for women who struggle with weight management.

A woman who is overweight while carrying a child could experience gestational diabetes or preeclampsia during her pregnancy. Obesity can even result in birth defects or premature births.

Your OBGYN will work closely with you throughout your pregnancy to monitor your weight gain and manage your weight effectively.

Because your weight is closely linked to your reproductive health, an OBGYN can offer weight management treatment protocols that will help you become healthier.

Some of the weight management treatment protocols used by OBGYNs today include lifestyle changes, medications that influence central metabolism, and referrals to a bariatric surgical center.

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